Accidentally deleted unsaved document in word recover word for mac

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If there’s no visible damage, but the screen is acting weird, you can try plugging an external monitor into your laptop. If your screen is visually damaged or cracked, just continue to use your computer normally to see if any other issues arise. Bruce Turner via Flickr/Creative Commonsįirst things first: Check to make sure that only your laptop’s screen, and not something more important (such as the graphics card) has been damaged. A laptop screen is no match for a 27-pound Frenchie, so, needless to say, my screen was toast. For some unexplained dog reason, Blanka suddenly decided he needed to be in my lap, so he jumped on me-and landed on my laptop’s screen. Broken laptop screenĪ few months ago, I was working on my MacBook Air next to my French bulldog, Blanka. While you can’t call 9-1-1, here’s what you can do to fix five common PC emergencies. But panicking is counter-productive, because time is often of the essence.ĭon’t worry. So it’s completely understandable if your first reaction is to freeze and freak out when you run into a PC emergency, such as a broken screen, accidentally-deleted important file, or a virus.

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Your PC may not be as essential to you as your smartphone, but chances are it’s still pretty damn important.